OK. OK. OK. So No one really wants look at our pictures of Cayman. I get it. But I do want to show you these.
So as you all vividly remember, I broke my toe right before my big 4-0 bday. Strangely enough, the nail never got loose, it was just a little bit raised. I thought for sure I was going to lose it, but never did.
But then SSB and I went to Cayman and bought snorkeling equipment. Flippers. Mask. Snorkel. Kit. Caboodle. We snorkeled and dove and had a blast. But on Day 4 we were snorkeling right off the beach at the resort and we saw a barracuda under the dock and it scared the bejeebus out of me and I HIGHTAILED it back to the sand on the double. As I sat there picturing kittens and butterflies I looked down and noticed that MY TOENAIL WAS GONE!!! I checked my flipper, but it wasn't there. It was fish food.
So, just like the Travelocity Roaming Gnome on all his adventures, I took pictures of it around the island just for you.

Ugly Toe on Seven Mile Beach

Ugly Toe on the boat to Stingray City

Ugly Toe and Ugly Friend

Ugly Toe at the Marriott

Ugly Toe IN the Marriott

Ugly Toe with a sand snowman

Ugly Toe with a sand boob
(or something - I don't know, we didn't make it)