Saturday, February 16, 2008

Its A Grey Matter

Snick is an unusual child to say the least. They way he thinks and things he says are simultaneously hilarious and frustrating (see this previous post).

Some time ago he gave up giving me daily good news and turned to what I call "Snickety's Grey Matter in Overdrive". Not EVERY day, but very frequently he'll walk up to me and ask a random question.

"Mom. What are your three favorite foods?"

"Mom. If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?"

"Mom. If you had three wishes, what would they be?"

"If you had one wish what would it be, but it has to be something real." To that one I responded, "Oh. So nothing like world peace?" He said, "No, you could wish for world peace. Just not to be able to fly." I think I have a better shot at flying than world peace.

It's like his synapses are firing too quickly and he just has to spurt out these questions. He doesn't care about the answers. Sometimes he doesn't even wait around to hear them.

I'll start blogging his questions from now on to give you all a chance to experience the essence of Snickety. Today's question was pretty good.

"Mom. If you had to write a song about one fact, what would it be?"

I said I'd write a song about how the word for apple in French is "pomme" and the word for potato is "pomme de terre" which literally is "apple of the earth" or "ground apple".

What would your song be about?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a treasure Snickety is! I believe he is some sort of "Whizkid". And I'm glad you plan to post more comments from him. He always tickles my funny bone.
A song? "What the world needs now is more Snickety"