Thursday, January 10, 2008

First Let Me Just Say This...

I've dragged my heels with the whole blogging, My Space, Facebook thing because I don't think people are really all that interested in other people. That stuff is usually just for your own benefit. Like the emails that have the 20 questions that the person who sent it to you answered then you erase their answers, put in your own and send it to everyone you know. No one really cares what your answers are, but you liked answering them and THINKING someone wanted to know your favorite drink and season who you are most inspired by.
I may occasionally blog something that someone finds interesting but mostly I am doing it for me. Its something to do, something to write, somewhere to keep things about my day and my Stars. Sometimes it might be cute and Grandma will like reading it. Most of the time it will probably be boring to anyone but me. So there you have it. My mission statement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad that you decided to do this - you are very creative and have lots of ammunition (kids) to work off of. Besides I do think you could be the newest version of Erma Brombeck!! You Go Girl!!!!