Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Guinea Puppy

SSB got a wild hair the other day and took Diego (the guinea pig) out of his cage so Sofine could have her way with him. He was feeling sorry for her after her initial contact with him, which you can read about here.

SSB held Diego and Dupree held Sofine's collar. All was well so he let Diego walk around on the ottoman by himself. Sofine didn't take her eyes off of him. She just stared and stared as he came closer to her. He came over and sniffed her.

And he cuddled up to her.

He pretty much accepted her maternal advances like when she nudged him around like a newborn puppy.

And they were both very happy. But I'm not quite ready to just let them both loose together. Not yet anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute!! Sofine finally looks fulfilled.